Major flood warning in the Derwent Valley

For those here in the Derwent Valley, we want you to be safe.
Here’s how, with our list of the most up-to-date sources for help and for information.
Emergency Centres are open at the Derwent Valley Sports & Recreation Centre on Derwent Terrace, and at the Memorial Hall on Circle St.
For life-threatening emergencies, dial triple zero (000)
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a major flood warning for the Derwent and moderate to minor warnings for subsidiary systems. More at
TasALERT provides the latest flood warning information. Its latest posting on the morning of Monday, Sept 2, urges evacuations for those between Lake Meadowbank to Bushy Park.
The State Emergency Service is a good single source of information about flooding, road closures and step-by-step advice on what to do, and when. More at
Hydro Tasmania has told the Gazette this morning it is not releasing water from its upriver storages, but spillway systems at dam sites are continuing to act automatically.
For road closures around the Valley, go to
ABC Local Radio is the official emergency broadcaster. In the south of Tasmania, that is 936 on the AM dial.
As the deluge continues and the emergency situation shifts from nervous waits and warnings to evacuations and -- hopefully -- cleanup, the Gazette spoke this morning to Mayor Michelle Dracoulis.
She commended the efforts made by Council’s emergency coordinators, Amanda McCall and Craig Fuller, to prepare emergency shelters, and also thanked the state government for its offer of funds.
“The hard work is ahead,” she said, “because the cleanup effort – when it comes -- is going to largely fall to the municipality and to its residents.”
Mayor Dracoulis also urged local people to stay safe, after multiple reports of people swimming in swollen waters. “It’s not smart, and could quickly require emergency action when crews are already stretched to their limits. Don’t do it,” she said.

ABOVE: Lawn and barbeque area under water as Derwent gets wider, with New Norfolk Rowing Club across fast moving water. Credit: Allan Kulij
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