Salute to a local treasure

THE last soldier settler’s wife and King Island’s oldest resident, Margaret Perry, turned 99 years last week.
She enjoyed cake and elebrations with her family at Netherby Home, where she now lives.
“There was so much cake,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. A birthday card from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was a surprise and will take its place on the shelf with her other lifetime awards.
There’s the Australia Day Award for Citizen of the Year 1996 and a Lions Club Citizen of the Year award for her service to many committees and groups on King Island.
Her Red Cross service spanned 45 years and including 11 years as president. The CWA recognises her 54-year association.
The shelf also displays a Council of the Aging award, support for the Anglican Church Guild and Football and Show Society Life Memberships – a lifetime of service to King Island.
Mrs Perry has lived through war and peace, the hardest of times and the most progressive, witnessing the century’s milestones and history’s significant events.
Margaret Perry (nee Johns) moved to the island with her husband, George, in 1947 and lived at Mt Stanley.
They raised five children on the island: three sons, Robert, Fred and Des; and two daughters, Yvonne and Karen.
“I think I have lived in the best times. There have been so many changes and looking back, it’s gone too fast,” she said. The big 100 is next.
“Next year is the big birthday, Mum says she doesn’t want a fuss, but I’m telling people you had better book your accommodation and flights now,” Yvonne laughed.
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